These instructors are contracted by Southeastern Investigative Group because of their experience and knowledge in the field of Homicide and Violent Crimes Investigations. They understand the dynamics and principles of professional criminal investigations. Each instructor has undergone extensive training in disciplines such as blood spatter processing, shooting reconstruction, bite marks, shoe print and tire track impressions, interview and interrogation, and crime scene processing, to name a few. The instructors were selected because of their real world experience and expertise in homicide and death investigations and their ability to pass along their experiences in an educational environment.

Sergeant Ray Williams (Ret.)
Sgt. Williams joined the Charlotte Mecklenburg Police Department in 1988 and served for over 28 years. During this time Sgt. Williams was assigned to Patrol, Special Operations, Homicide Unit, In-Service Training and Recruit Training. During the almost 12 years Sgt. Williams was assigned to the Homicide Unit he investigated or assisted in hundreds of Homicide cases (including suicides, natural deaths, child deaths, ADWs, child abductions and police cases). Sgt. Williams retired from CMPD in February 2017 and spends his time with family and playing golf.
EDUCATION: BS Degree Criminal Justice, University of North Carolina Charlotte.
MS Degree Management & Leadership, Montreat College
LAW ENFORCEMENT – Advanced Law Enforcement Certificate, North Carolina Training and Standards General Instructor, Southern Police Institute Homicide Investigations, Reid Technique Interview and Interrogation, Bloodstain Pattern Analysis.

CSI Kris Woodhouse
Was hired by the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department as a Crime Scene Investigator in 2002. CSI Woodhouse has processed approximately 3,100 crime scenes and was selected to be on the Officer Involved shoot team from 2005 to 2008 and again in December 2013 to present.
Bachelors Degree in Biology with a Minor in Chemistry, Mansfield University of Pennsylvania, Mansfield, PA
Forensic Continuing Education
American Institute of Applied Science, Youngsville, NC:
Forensic Science 101, Advanced Forensic Science 201, Crime Scene Technician Academy,Bloodstain Pattern Analysis, Buried Body Recovery, Forensic Death Investigation, Flies, Foliage, and Features, Advanced Bloodstain Pattern, Forensic Latent Fingerprint Development Class, Shooting Reconstruction, Crime Scene Reconstruction, Advanced Shooting reconstruction, Firearms Injury and Distance Determination, Buried Body and Surface Skeletal Remains Recovery, Criminal Profiling and Cold Case Seminar - Dale Hynman, Introduction Blood Spatter Pattern Analysis - Ross Gardner, Serial Number Restoration Techniques/Shooting Reconstruction, Outdoor Recovery Course; The Body Farm

CSI Christine Cain
Originally from Pittsburgh, PA, CSI Cain has been employed with Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Dept. as a Crime Scene Investigator since 2011. CSI Cain has processed approximately 1,100 crime scenes so far. In December 2013, she was selected to be a member of the Officer Involved Shoot team.
Graduated from West Virginia University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Forensic & Investigative Sciences and a Minor in Psychology.
Crime Scene Investigation 1 & 2, Blood Stain Pattern Analysis, Forensic Photography, Fingerprint Identification and Classification, Latent Fingerprint Development, Law & Evidence, Court Testimony, Forensic Microscopy, Forensic Psychology, Courtroom Testimony – Ron Smith, RS&A, Cold Case Forum & Presentation & San Diego serial murder case – Lee Odham, Wilmington PD and Larry Ankrom, FBI, Footwear Collection and Preservation – Dwane Hildebrand, Forensic ITC Services, AZ, Buried Body and Scattered Remains Class with the FBI

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